E-Safety/Digital Wellbeing
E-Safety Guidelines
In our Trust we work with staff, pupils and parents/carers to create a school community which values the use of new technologies in enhancing learning, encourages responsible use of ICT, and follows agreed policies to minimise potential e-safety risks.
Pupils have a right to access these systems in a safe and controlled way and the responsibility to use the systems carefully and within the guidelines set at school.
In school we teach all pupils the SMART rules. You can find these at rules at:
E-safety is a home/school issue
In recent years there has been a convergence of different technologies. As well as computers, today’s games consoles allow us to play more than just games. We can now also play DVDs, go online and chat to the person we are playing with. So your child may be playing a game with someone from the other side of the world and much more besides!
How you can increase E-Safety at home:
- Have access to computers and the Internet in places where it can be monitored, such as the living room
- Talk to your child about their use of ICT and get them to talk to you should they feel uncomfortable or access anything that concerns them
- Use filtering or monitoring software
Below are some links to sites you might find useful for more information
Think U Know for 5 – 7 year olds Hector’s World
Know It All Resources from Childnet.
Vodafone – Digital Parenting magazine